COCKTAIL CASE for iPhone 6
No.01 = Wine glass
No.02 = Wine glass with lip and highheel
No.03 = Pink cocktail bottle
No.04 = Blue cocktail bottle
No.05 = White cocktail bottle
No.06 = Yellow cocktail bottle
No.07 = Green cocktail bottle
No.08 = Green beer bottle
No.09 = Yellow beer bottle
No.10 = Yellow beer mug
(Please inform code when order)
For the further information please contact
Idea2click Lamlukka Klong 4 (Headquater)
Tel.02-1400950, 083-0340895,085-2406098
Line for order : idea2order
Line for further information : idea2click
cocktail case, iPhone 6 case, iPhone 6 cocktail case
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