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Creation Date :4/11/2009
Last Update :6/3/2024
Total View Time :4523171
ACCU (OPzV) Battery Series

Product Detail
Product/Service Name : ACCU (OPzV) Battery Series
Code :000156
Last Update : 6/4/2014
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Product Status : New Product
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ACCU (OPzV) Battery Series 


   Gelled electrolyte, no flow, no leakage or no gradation
      of gradationof sulfuric acid.
   The positive plate is tubular plate, which can effectively
prevent  theactive materials from falling off.
   PVC-SiO2 Separator, which is special for gel battery with tiny 
holes.The separator has high volume porosity, low electrical 
      resistance and excellent wettability
   Maintenance-free during the whole service life.
   Low self discharge rate
   Proof against deep discharge according to DIN 43539 T5

Tag :  ACCU (OPzV) Battery Series

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