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Pureen bottle and nipple lquid cleanser 
Pureen bottle and nipple lquid cleanser

Product Detail
Product/Service Name : Pureen bottle and nipple lquid cleanser

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Code : 000051 Last Update : 1/7/2013
Price : 85.00 Special Price : 70.00
Deliver Cost/Piece : 20.00 Product Status : New Product
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Pureen bottle and nipple lquid cleanser (500ml bottle )

It can also be used for clean toys.

Directions : use this cleanser 0.5 lid (about 21ml)  per water 1 litre (1000 ml.)

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Tag :  เด็ก bottle & nipple liquid cleanser baby ทารก child newborn ล้างขวดนม สุขภาพ pharmacy pureen ของเล่น

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